About the MCC
About the Maryland Charity Campaign
Background and Goal
The Maryland Charity Campaign (MCC) is a workplace charitable giving program that offers State employees and eligible retirees the opportunity to conveniently, securely, and confidently contribute to charities they care about. The 2021 MCC ran from October 5 through December 31. More than 1,000 charities participated in the 2021 Campaign. Each was vetted in advance to ensure the organization was legitimate, fiscally sound, and performing the services stated.
The need has never been greater. The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the charitable sector. The charities that participated in the MCC struggled to fulfill ever-increasing demand with ever-dwindling resources. But there was hope for charities as well as those that depend on their services. The MCC was hope. Each and every one of you that supported a cause you care about through the Campaign provided that hope.
That’s why our 2021 MCC theme was MD Gives, Inspires Hope. Thank you for proving those words true.
Our 2021 MCC goal was $2 million. Donations made through the Campaign helped to protect and support the most vulnerable among us. Participating causes covered issues including food insecurity to human trafficking, domestic violence to homelessness, health care to the environment, and so much more. A contribution of any amount helped. Every penny added up, and through the MCC, individual acts of giving became a generosity movement.
An Executive Order signed by the Governor dictated how the MCC was to be handled. The Campaign was administered by the Office of the Secretary of State. Read Secretary of State John C. Wobensmith's message to donors. Duties of the Secretary of State’s office included reviewing and approving the applications submitted by charities wishing to receive funds from the MCC, approving the operating budget of the Campaign, and monitoring the Operating Agency that is responsible for managing the Campaign.
Governor Larry Hogan chaired and Lt. Governor Boyd Rutherford co-chaired the Campaign. Read their message to donors.
Each year, the Governor appoints State cabinet member(s) to serve as Vice Chair(s). The 2021 MCC Vice Chairs were Director Mary Beth Tung, Ph.D., Esq., of the Maryland Energy Administration, and Special Secretary Jimmy H. Rhee of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs. Click to read their message.
The State of Maryland again partnered with America’s Charities, a nonprofit which inspires employees and organizations to support each other and the causes they care about, to serve as the MCC’s Operating Agency and help develop and facilitate the MCC.
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